Zynga — Freezing up

The words with friends app locks up about every 2-3 days then I have email them and tell them my game is locked up again then they do something to make it work again for another couple days and it can take them 2 days to fix it so I’m down for 2 days. I pay money to use this app ad free my down time wasted money out of a month I could have around 12 down days that’s almost half of the time that I pay for this has been going on for over a year and every time this happens I loose games and friends and money, they have explained ways for me to try and resolve it and I have try them all many many many times it doesn’t work. Refund all my for the last year I’ve but in it or fix the app so it works correctly I have never any problem like this with any other app, in the photo I have sent that green emoji shows up when the game is froze the name of solo c

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