Zachary Thompson — St. Louis, Missouri

I met a guy on a dating app and I really liked him and couldn’t believe someone that attractive thought I was so sexy and wanted me! He told me he was married, but that they had an open relationship, so I really thought it was all okay. Little did I know that he was actually just lying and made a hobby out of getting into women’s pants EVEN THOUGH he wore a ring. I even hung out with him and his wife’s baby!! I ended up meeting the wife with intentions of coming to have *** with him..was super scary..but she also handled it like a real *** woman. He’s been doing this to her for years! Guess what happens not even 2 weeks later?!?!!!! I’m on a DIFFERENT site and there he is!!!! He hits me up immediately, I guess thinking I won’t care now that I know the wife isn’t on board. Needless to say, he has continued to cheat on his poor wife. I always see a new profile for him every couple of months. He also has knocked up who knows how many women!! His wife just found out that he has a SON from the result of CHEATING!! How messed up!! He will never change. Watch out for this guy. He loves ***..from anyone and everyone! He’s married with a family!! He’s a liar!! De Don’t believe any story he tells you!

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