Zachary McDonald — Racine, Wisconsin

Zachary (Zac, Zak, Zach) McDonald from Racine, Wisconsin is currently 34 years old.The man is a pathological liar A womanizerAn equal-opportunity cheater A sexual predator An expert manipulator Worst of all, he is an honest-to-***, real-life Sociopath Just know this: He will mirror your wants and desires. You will think that this guy is for real. You will believe every word out of his mouth. You will think that he is exactly what you were looking for. Believe me, it’s all a ploy. He will look you right in the eye and lie to you.Zac is a sociopath, so he knows exactly what to do to get what he wants. He comes off sweet, charming, innocent, inexperienced, shy… He will convince you to be in a monogamous relationship when he has no intention of being monogamous OR in a relationship himself. I confronted him, but he told me he never made me any promises and never said he wanted to be in a relationship. SMH Except, I have texts to prove otherwise. He will get you right where he wants you, then he will do the bare minimum to keep you coming back so he can play with your head and use your body. Zac LOVES to play the victim, he will blame all of his broken relationships on the woman (she abandoned him or suffered from a mental disease, on and on) but it’s all lies. ALL. LIES. He will say whatever he has to in order to get what he wants from you. He probably even believes his lies, which is the saddest part. Zac is a cheater. He cheats not only with women, but with men as well. His ex caught him on a m4m personal ad. I saw the emails sent to m4m and m4t the subject line was “Sissy fem sub.” He admitted to me that he had an affair with a M/F married couple. The women he cheats with are married, and he continues relationships with them, with them even knowing he’s in a relationship. Yet he feels he is “morally superior.” It’s disgusting. Oh, and he has genital warts. Zac does not care where he gets his next thrill or ****** from… he’s not picky. If you have something he wants, he’ll take it, without remorse, and then when you question, or get upset, he will run away, blame you, and lie about you, all the way to court if he has to in order to save face. Zac loves the drama. He loves to fight. “I live for this s***,” are his exact words. He creates a lot of drama, just because he loves to fight.He will take, take, take. He will manipulate you until he gets every drop of what he wants from you – and beware, its not the same from every woman – and then he will discard you like trash but continue to make your life a living ****. Zachary McDonald ruined my life. I thought I was able to see a fraud a mile away. I thought I was smarter, stronger… but he’s that good. I fell in love with him, the truths didn’t surface for months. By that time, he had manipulated me into a small, submissive nothing. He will degrade you in bed. He will compare you to his ex’s. He will share your intimate moments and pictures with ex’s and friends. He will whittle you down to nothing, and leave you that way. And he loves it.Please be warned and beware – steer clear of this sociopath. His dating profiles are full of lies as well: Date Hookup, OKCupid, POF, Ashley Madison, Skout, Match… there are moreHis profile names are many and varied… Uwm123, Dtruwm1231, Dtr1231, ZM1979, ZM1179, jjj60, The_Nut, EZ, they change daily, so remember his face. Just be warned and beware.He is 6’0″. He works in a small factory in Racine and is an illegal car mechanic on the side. He has 1 daughter.Zac isn’t capable of real emotions. He’s really great at faking them tho. He uses his daughter to reel you in further. He will use whatever tactic he needs, to get what he wants from you.Then he will leave you with nothing, and blame it on you. Then he won’t just go away, either, he will wait around “like a snake in the grass” (his words) and he will make your life a living nightmare.The man is a monster

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