Youtube — Censorship Use Of The Hate Speech Guidelines With No Hate Speech

Youtube have issue a strike on my channel for Hate Speech for a video which I can provide the entire transcript for and is of a news clip translated in to English via subtitles and has no form of Hate Speech Nor Does It Imply Or Promotes Hate Or Inappropriate Speech.

YouTube is not a private company considering it is the new public square, not to mention the billions in subsidiaries tax incentivesbreaks which is footed by the American people people of other nations as well!

YouTube is continuing to use vague Inappropriate guideline strikes to stop creators from making real content and it is well known in our community that YouTube uses the Hate Speech guideline the most to remove content to punish creators!

worse of all they use these false pretenses to permanently remove complete libraries of creators content their complete channel is banned and deleted no matter if it is a new channel or a channel that has been well established.

YouTube is now owned by Google they still do not have a way to contact someone concerning these moderators unlimited decision making power, if they issue a violation and you as the creator ask to be told how exactly your content violats the terms of service and even if us as the creator provides evidence to the contrary YouTube still allows the moderator to decide!

If you why this decision is being made or for them to at a minimum to provide a timestamp of when the violation occurred, is apparently asking to much from a trillion dollar company.

Instead YouTube allows an automated system to decide even when a Creator asks for a supervisor to get involved or for the issue to be manually reviewed!

One will still will receive the automatic response that your content allegedly

Violates our (YouTubeGoogle) Hate Speech Terms of service

even when evidence is provided proving other wise, they don’t just disregard it they completely ignore it.

This should be resolved by allowing Creators of any size to be able to speak directly with supervisor especially when a strike is issued or any issue at all.

Timestamps should also wlbe Provided with each Hate Speech or any content violation at all!

This process needs to be more transparent and fair to all not just a automatic response by a generated message.

Moderators need to be monitored with each strikeviolation Issued the moderator who issues the strikeviolation needs to be assigned to the content Receiving the violation.

This will insure that moderators are not targeting content they dislike!

There needs to be an option to request a supervisor to review the content make a decision other then the moderator who issued the strikeviolation in the first place.

The same moderator who is reviewing it a second time is the moderator who has issued the strikeviolation in the first place then it is highly unlikely that the moderator would be willing to admit that they made a mistake and remove the strikeviolation.

This is backed up by research studies showing that people who make Mistakes at work our unlikely to,

1. Admit it.

2. Fix it.

3. Learn from it.

Everything provided to resolve this is already known and is being delaying or just ingnored because they want to keep Censoring content they disagree with but this isn’t the American way nor will people keep allowing it

One day we all must pay for the decisions we make – Life.

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