Yolda Gonzalez — Texas

Yolda has been married twice and both husband have asked for a divorce. Both due to her cheating. De Yolda has cheated on her husband for many years, has 3 kids from 3 different men and extorted one of her many lovers for years while making the lover believe her son was the lovers kid. She’s also told her husband that same kid is his. She has collected child support under the table from her lover behind her husband’s back for years and slept with many men while married for years. Yolda is a shameless disgusting hag and thinks this is all very normal. Her favorite pastime is taking naked selfies with her legs spread wide open, and *** videos and sending to any men who will give her attention and money. Yolda makes the men she seeks attention from believe she loves them and wants to be with them, but the truth is Yolda is after your money buddy! Yolda has collected money for her kid from her lover and also collects child support from her husband for the same kid. Yolda claims to be a registered nurse, but she is an LVN (not the same thing) . Yolda has no problem with seeking attention from married men and men in relationships… Yolda thinks very highly of herself, but the truth is; Yolda is a disgusting low class, over weight, hag- 32 years of age, but looks like an over used, over stretched, wrinkled 45 year old hag… Even the Lipo, fat transfer & **** job she had in 2019 did not fix her. If you see Yolda Jeanette Gonzalez- Run the other way; You will anyway after you see what she really looks like – don’t be fooled by her heavely filtered photos, trust me, the photos here is what she really looks like. Disgusting, nothing to see Cheating, classless, wrinkled Hag- Save yourself a lifetime of regret and potential DRD’s – keep on walking.

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