Yoensy George Gamboa — Austin, Texas

Yoensy George Gamboa a Cuban dangerous man who lives in Austin tx but is from Guantanamo Cuba. Women beater cheater and worst of them predator and pedophile. When Yoensy was in his twenties he went after underage girls he’s a Predator he would see a girl under age and that’s what he was after he was linked to multiple under-age girls 14 and 15 years old all Cuban too. De he also had a baby mama who he tortured for 8 long years he cheated on her gave her STD’S and beat her up so bad he was arrested for abusing her and breaking her jaw this was June 2013 he beat her so bad he was arrested and charged for abuse. He snorts and is dependent on drugs doesn’t work and lives at his mom’s home on her sofa lives in section 8 apartments and has nothing on his name He and his mom live of the government by lying on low income and scamming the IRS.

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