Xia WenTao — Missouri

Everyone be careful of this ****. He’s the owner of the Bubble Tea shop in Galleria Mall food court, and a cook at Top Golf Chesterfield; but he can’t be trusted. He uses his business to flirt with underage girls and his souped-up BMW to get *****. He goes around telling people he’s a model, but he can’t get any bookings to save his life; He blames “White women” for taking them(eye roll). He’s a literal stick who needs to put on weight, there’s nothing “model” about him; he’s just generically good looking for an Asian male, lol. He used to be married until his wife found him cheating- He decided to get drunk and crash his car to kill himself, which gave him a DUI and some jail time. He has to drive with a breathalizer permanently installed into his car, which is sh1tty for him because he drinks almost constantly to escape his mistakes. I dated him for the span of a week, and during that week he constantly Love bombed and gaslighted me. He would tell me that I “can’t know more than him” because I’m too stupid, I was constantly called a fat pig and repeatedly asked to wear a wig because my hair was too short. At the same time- he repeatedly begged me to cancel my apartment lease (and move in with him) because he didn’t like my roommate, and talk about us getting married and visiting his mother in China. He even said he loved me to try and end an argument we were having on valentines day. LESS THAN A WEEK INTO OUR RELATIONSHIP!!! Talk about moving too fast @.@ Now, let’s get into the sexual issues of this guy. I’m a fukin freak, don’t get me wrong- but this weirdo LOVES feet and having you eat his a55hole. He’ll beg you for a footjob, and then tell you you’re doing a **** job and will force you to have **** *** if you don’t do it well enough. I was crying and begging him to stop, and he only did AFTER I annoyed him. Then, he blamed me for making him upset. so I guess you can add RAPIST to the list? of course, I couldn’t do the *** eating- but he never stopped trying to force me down there, and I mean FORCE. My body is covered in bruises from him trying to make me do stuff I didn’t want to do. To Gabby, one of the girls he was dating behind my back- stay far away from him, he will destroy you. I haven’t shed a tear since I left him, and I don’t regret it. BEWARE THIS SATANIC HELLSPAWN. PUT THIS **** ON BLAST!!!!!!

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