Wyndham — Cancelled reservation

Dear Sir
I am a Platinum Elite Owner of Worldmark. I have been a member since 2004. I have never encountered the problems I am currently having. I have tried numerous avenues to fix this issue, but to no avail. The staff is very apologetic, but clearly their hands are tied and they have no authority to deal with this. I have tried contacting the Board of Directors, but they are not responsive after 2 requests. So, I am sending this letter to you. Here are some facts to add context to my concern 1. I made a reservation for Worldmark Anaheim in July 2. At the same time I put in a waitlist request for a larger condominium 3. The waitlist request was granted August 20th. I was delighted and ed that I wanted the request. 4. The CANCEL button on the previous reservation was non functional – it was hidden beyond the scroll bar and could not be activated. 5. I asked, in my email ing that I wanted the larger condo to please cancel the prior reservation and gave them the reservation number. 6. Fast forward to Monday of this week, I double checked the reservation to find that it had been cancelled. I was not notified of the cancellation 7. Currently I have piecemealed some portion of the reservation together, but it is completely inadequate and requires my family to change condos every night, and we have no place to stay one night. This is a nightmare. Airline tickets and Disneyland tickets have already been purchased. Children have been promised this excursion (one is a special needs child). Attached is my letter with my concerns and my intentions.
I would at appreciate, at least, some indication that you received this as all of my other attempts to contact anyone in authority at Worldmark or Wyndham have gone without any response. I need my reservation reinstated. I had a 4 bedroom condominium for November 8 – 12. Barring that 2 – 2 bedroom condominiums for the same time frame.

Katherine Kelly

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