WWE — Vince Mcmahon

hey i would like you stop the selling of the company because there no reason to it is a stupied an dum idea for selling your company and vince mcmahondont care about the workers there and he is disrespectiful to every one in the company he dosnt deaserve to be in the company for sexual harresment he did if that was my company i would never have him back ever again for that and that not how you act in work place that is just down right wrong i could run that better then vince mcmahon and i read the condect and rules on that company he went agents all of it i rather see code rhodes or shawn michels run it they can do alot better job then vince mcmahon so really im a the typ of guy that well turn people in like vince mcmahon so just to let you know now and that the truth. maybe get a honest and good man to run for wwe like code rhodes or shawn michels that company need some one better then vince mcmahon some one that treats there workers better and respect them because what i see an read on vince mcmahon he dosnt know how and never well in his life and tht the truth

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