Wish — Wish has lied and cost me money I shouldn’t have to spend

On 9321 I accidentally placed a $712.14 order on wish because of the pop up they have that says, place order now? I mean, who doesn’t have a order screen in this day and age. That, I feel is the first scam!! Then I ended up having to cancel the order each individual item at a time even though wish support told me there was a button under order details to cancel the order and you have 8 hours to cancel. Lies,lies, lies!!!! There is no button on the order detail screen and it stopped me from canceling items in about 10 minutes!! Contacted support they told me there was nothing they could do that I could return items once I received them. So I did. To the tune of $40.60. Why should I be responsible for that much money when they were told within 15 minutes of my placing that order don’t send it!! Also, the original order was $712.14. When you subtract the items I was able to cancel you get $315.82. However, when I add up the remaining items and add tax (I do not, however, add the 7% discount I received) I am only coming up with $284.50. Where in the **** is the $31.32 difference??? I believe wish.com should refund me the original $315.82 and the $40.60 shipping I paid. And probably should throw in some gift certificates or really good coupons for all the time and stress I’ve wasted on this.
I would love to add photos of the conversations I’ve had with their customer service but for some reason I can’t access them anymore.

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