Wise — Wise has not refunded my money

Dear Sirs, Ref: Wise (formerly TransWise) has not refunded my money Background: On September 15, 2021, I made two (2) wire transfers from my Chase checking account to Wise, each one of $4,950 US dollars. See attached file “Summary of Wire Transfers to Wise”. Without any warning nor notification, Wise just closed my account indicating security reason. Wise sent two emails informing me about their intention to refund (see attached files “Email from Wise Refund 1999” and “Email from Wise Refund 5499). The first refund ending 1999 was received (see attached file “Proof of Wise Refund 1999”). The second refund ending 5499 has not been received after than 9 days from the transaction. I have sent several emails to them. They do not answer. Once I could speak with a client representative, but once he noted that my account was closed, he did not offer more cooperation. They did not also meet the refund times they published on their Term of Use, which indicates that for wire transfer, they will refund your money back between 1-3 working days. Also, they do not meet the response time for queries, which is one (1) working day after your email. Some words regarding the closing of my account. I only used my home and office computers. Both computers have elevated protection from malware and cyberattacks with advanced programs and firewalls. Every time I accessed my account, I received security pins to my cell phone. I do not have also parallel accounts. In conclusion, I have doubts about the legitimate action from Wise regarding the closure of my account, and I suspect they use this “closing” as an excuse to retain money from their customers. This company is like a concrete wall you cannot access. No offices, no phones, just an email they do not answer. What frustrating and horrible experience for the customers! In addition, they hold the money I need it to bring food to my table. They do not respect and hurt their clients. Reading customer reviews, I knew the case of a guy who is fighting against Wise for more than 2 months without receive his refund! I do not want to have my Wise account back, and I just want to receive my refund and close this bitter business chapter. I definitively will not recommend Wise to anybody never in my life. Request: Wise please refund my money per refund intention 294245499 (see attached email). I have copied this email to this website..Refunding my money ($4,950 US dollars) ASAP
Alvaro Jaramillo

1 thought on “Wise — Wise has not refunded my money

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    So ya. Don’t move here.

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