Wightlink — Missed off our ferry due to error from staff

We arrived an hour before the crossing. We had a trailer so they put us in row 12. Everyone started loading (cars first), then we could see that it was full. We then asked the person loading saying we had 9.40 crossing but at this stage, it was full and was too late. He spoke to the office and came back and apologized and said he had heard wrong on the radio and had not heard that us (first car in the line) was on the 9.40 and the ones behind were on the 11.40. We were on time and due to the error of staff we were missed off because he heard the radio wrong. They should refund me the cost of the one-way ticket portion for that journey due to the inconvenience and time wasted due to their mistake (which was admitted) for waiting 4 hours. I had two young children that had to wait 3 hours in a car and we had a trailer to deliver wooden decking to a builder which had a knock-on effect because we were 2 hours later to pay for a day’s labor. This was totally avoidable and due to the mistake of staff.

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