Wesley Martin — Alabama

Wesley Olen Martin from Warrior, Ala. Age 38 Married since 9/9/2000 Has 2 young daughters. Has family in Hayden, Ala. Works as an Electician for IBEW local 136. Started first affair in 2005 with local Name: Amber Lankford also married with children. Got her pregnant and they both decided to get an abortion but tried to cover it all up, unsuccessfully. She tried to maintain their relationship after everything by actively pursuing a married man. She was denied. Current status still Homewrecker. Just a year later he cheats again with another coworker Name: Melanie B. Also a construction worker for Local 136 at Miller Steam Plant in West Jefferson, Ala. This while his wife was 8mo pregnant with their second child. He starts lying and cheating once again just months later but this time he begins using online websites and social media etc. to catfish other women and engage in multiple relationships/affairs at the same time. Basically he’s been nonstop constantly cheating ever since the invention of the ‘smartphone’ up to current day. He’s addicted to this as well as prescription drugs. He actually sent money to some of these women online, one in Africa Name: Nancy Wilson, obviously a scam artist, but he doesn’t care. Did this while his own wife and kids were at home broke with no food barely getting by at Christmas of all times and didn’t give his kids a thing! He began creating online dating profiles as if he were separated or going thru a divorce which neither was ever true and the list of home wreckers/victims gets bigger than ever. He even used his gaming on his PS3 as another way to find girls. He’s been busted searching for online **** of underage teenage girls fitting the exact description of his young 13 yr old daughter. Also obsessed with **** related to having *** with his own sister. He has claimed to be in love with every single person he’s talked to online, forsaking time with his own family wife and children for all these people. He leads a double life the one that exists online is the one he seems to care about the most and pursues more than anything even over his own real life. He has had several chances to choose between real or fake, real being his life with a wife, kids, family but chooses fake online persona everytime. Aka Jackhole136 gamer tag, online name, ID . With this he has been involved in several inappropriate affairs Names of Side pieces/home wreckers: Nancy Wilson, Carmen Andino, Jackelyn Olivera, Ubi aka Sarah, Squid aka Bri Orkiba, All knew he was married with kids. Too many webcam scamming whores to name! The worst thing he’s ever done which is saying a lot seeing that he’s a compulsive liar cheater abuser, is just recent in last year while his wife was taken to emergency room then admitted to ICU in critical condition fighting for life, he’s talking online and posting things to another girl about how much it’s inconvienced HIM! He totally ignores and abandoned his wife in the ICU to step out and talk to his mistress and ultimately left his wife there alone for almost two weeks solely because he couldn’t stand going 5 seconds much less that long of time without having and talking to people online. They were more important than the life of the women who had been by his side in real life thru thick and thin for more than 16 years and the mother of his children. That is sad and sickening. Wes Martin should hang his head in eternal shame and doesn’t deserve to be with any women esp his wife for everything he’s put her thru and made her sacrifice for his own sake. He’s the most selfish arrogant narcissistic abusive manipulator who is incapable of love and only seeks control as a substitute. He takes advantage of and takes for granted a loving loyal wife of 16+ years and lies to her and cheats on her no matter how good she is to him. She has dedicated her entire life to making him happy but that is impossible esp for someone like him who insists on a life of misery. **WARNING to anyone who is involved with or in contact with in anyway real life or online, with WESLEY MARTIN AKA WES MARTIN AKA JACKHOLE136 etc… Save yourself the time and grief and just STAY AWAY

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