Wells Fargo — Worthless Scammers

My savings account has a minimum balance to avoid being charged a fee. I am always careful to maintain this balance because I hate being charged a fee. I looked today and Wells Fargo has been charging me fees for this for months now. I looked back and the month that I supposedly went under the minimum balance (the one I was charged the first fee for), I was absolutely above the minimum balance and the only reason I went under was because Wells Fargo charged me a fee for no reason whatsoever. They have been draining my savings account every month for something I never did. This is the SECOND TIME this has happened. I had to contact them before and throw a fit in order to get my money back that they STOLE from me. Wells Fargo is a bunch of dishonest crooks who treat their customers like absolute garbage and I will be changing banks as soon as corona virus restrictions ease up. Now I understand why everybody I know has told me to switch to a different bank, everyone has problems with them because they are worthless scammers.

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