WARNING: Don’t put your loved ones in Shiloh Springs Care Center

Shiloh Springs Care Center is now Capital Healthcare Network!. My mother stayed for 2 weeks at Shiloh Springs Care Center 3500 Shiloh Springs Rd, Trotwood, OH 45426 this place looks beautiful on outside, but it’s a nightmare on inside. before I had to threaten to call Dayton Ombudsman and the police to get her out. my mother has severe bed sores that were required to be changed everyday per Doctor orders. Day 1 I couldn’t visit because of (covid19) but I never got a call..Ed nurse supervisor was told this and he takes up for his nurses and lies to management. Rose the administrator looks the other way when victims families file complaints. Beware they are posting perfect reviews online about there services so people will go to them for business. Ed is a drug addict, he is keeping the patients pills for himself. He takes home patients food and leftovers for his dog. They just brought in 16 COVID-19 patients dont even have space for them. My mother was is a dirty bed, mother got out of bed after pushing help alarm no one showed up for hours so she got out of bed and walked down the hall and there was nobody around so she when down the hallway and saw nurse sleeping on couch. Reason way they are getting away with this is because of COVID-19. Know one is allow to go and check on there love ones and they don’t know what’s going on. People are begging to go to the hospital saying they feel sick don’t feel good and don’t want to go back to Shiloh Springs Care Center. My mother was served cold oatmeal with cold chicken sandwich with live ants cawing all over her food. The wifi never worked. Nor did her so called cable TV. My mother had a very bad bowel movement and she was left in this condition for 5 days …even after daily complaints from myself and my mother… Nothing was done to help us. When call light or “emergency light” was pressed it would take up to 4 hours to get help, no lie Imagine a fall..or choking…stroke?!?! I was so appalled I reached out to little black guy name Ed nurse supervisor. Head nurse etc…to no resolve. I had to call her doctor because they went 4 days without wound changes….never once got bathed in 7 days! No pain or depression pills given for 4 days … This place is horrid and I literally cried thinking how desperate and helpless the elderly people are in there. I’m sure they loose patients because calls lights…At night 10..11…12 the nurses stand in halls and scream at each other and talking on there sell phones about there *** life…about boyfriend’s..how they hate their jobs…or which patients smell….it’s terrible! Finally we demanded to be released or I was going to call 911 and they told me if he wants to leave then go…we won’t help you….they laughed…They refused her medications. I called police but canceled when they agreed she could leave ….this place deserves to be shut down and the nurses and staff who “supervise” should loose their ability to be in health care. PLEASE IF U LOVE YOUR FAMILY..AVOID THIS PLACE LIKE ITS COVID19!!

What is the reason for this type of treatment 1) COVID-19, 2) Main reason and real reason is that all his nurses that Ken Bernsen hires is all from a temp service. What is the benefits for this type of temp service? 1) You will never get any help. 2) Ghetto cultural mentality. 3) This is one of the worst nursing home to be at. 4) No hospitalization for temp nurses. 5) No unions or benefits for temp nurses. 6) Crappy service or no service.

Owner Ken Bernsen
Shiloh Springs Care Center
3500 Shiloh Springs Rd
Trotwood, OH 45426
(937) 854-1180

1 thought on “WARNING: Don’t put your loved ones in Shiloh Springs Care Center

  1. Since Capital Health took over Shiloh Springs nursing care in 2017 and brought in Mr. Babur as manager, it has gone downhill rapidly. They have replaced healthy foods with trashy, unhealthy foods, leaving residents hungry and possibly Malnutrition. In addition, they have cut the air conditioning in the hallways for the nurses, so that when they go into see patients they sweat and drip on the patients. They have also changed schedules of staff, to cut corners and save money. NOT recommended for anyone.

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