Vivienne Castillo — Los Banos, California

Vivienne Castillo was nothing but a user for the first 3 years of our relationship… I was the only one that provided income besides what she got from welfare. I’m responsible for providing Christmas for her kids and her buying presents for them, and their birthdays. She’s the kind of woman that will constantly make you feel like you need to spend more money on her or you’re not doing enough. She feels it’s convenient so just leave her kids at home and tell them that I’m not coming back, sad thing is our youngest daughter is only 10 years old and she tells her this. Tells her that her dad f*cked her head all up and this is why she is the way she is. Then when it comes to me, whenever she gets mad, she just falls off the radar for days and doesn’t answer her phone. She just a cold-hearted bottom line that will drain you of every dollar in your pocket and then kick you to the curb, so if you want a cold-hearted POS like this go ahead and have her. I don’t want her.

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