Vivid Seats — No Customer Service

The following is a chronological timing of the events that occurred: September 26, 2022, at 7:33PM – I received a ation for Order 47579325 for the Vegas Knights hockey game that was scheduled to start at 7:30PM. The request was put in minutes before. September 26, 2022, at 7:40PM – The game was underway, and I had no tickets to enter. I made the call to customer service. The customer service rep said she would investigate. I had told her that if it couldn’t be resolved within 2 minutes, to please cancel the order. I was put on hold. The game already had been going for 10 minutes. September 26, 2022, at 7:42PM – The customer service rep come back on the line and said that they are still working on the situation. I politely asked her to please just cancel the order. Between missing the beginning of the game and the fact that my back had started tightening up from being rear-ended on the taxi ride over, I felt it just better to cancel at that time. Again, I was put on hold as she needed “to with a manager” that it could be done. September 26, 2022, at 7:46PM – Email 2 arrived in my in basket saying that the order placed at 7:33 was now ed. September 26, 2022, at 7:52PM – The 3rd email arrived with the tickets now ready to download to present to the usher to gain access. All the while I was on the line with customer service. I was informed at that point that they could not reverse the charges and cancel the transaction as the tickets were already issued. The tickets were never used. I asked to speak to a manager and was told “They are going to say the same thing.”. Repeated requests to speak to a manager were continually denied, leaving me with no other alternative than to dispute this claim. Full refund of purchase

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