Vincent Schuiling — Kitchener, Canada

For the past eight years I had an off and on relationship with Vincent aka Viney. I was emotionally, physically, psychologically abused by this cheater,liar, manipulator. His lies would catch up and when truth came out he would put blame on me. Vincent has cheated and recently got caught lied to my face after the female he was persuing to cheat with told me the truth. I of coarse was hurt so I told him off and he went to another female only a week apart from 8 yrs with me. Devasted when he took it upon his self to be honest and tell me about his cheating. After telling me this and Im in tears he doesn’t even try to be remorseful at all for his actions and hurting. There were times he’d steal things to suppprt his opiode addiction which has escalated to fentenol and he becomes a selfish, abusive arrogant jerk. Vincent has ditched, lied, stole, abused, cheated, hurt, and claims to love me. He is barely done things for me or bought me things, but would post things he’d given to others on social media. Ruined everyone of my birthdays for last 8 yrs. I was left to sit for hours waiting on him while he was off doing his own thing especially chasing other women thinking I was stupid. But despite all his wrongs i kept letting him back. This guy is a cheating, lying, fentenol user who will only break your heart. Guarnteed to make you miserable. He is selfish and don’t care how you feel. Even though age difference I deserved respect but never received any from this piece of trash you can’t say you love someone put them through **** and cast blame for his actions. Once a cheater always a cheater and will charm you to get what he benefits from you. This guys straight up Narcissit who spreads genital drd. He’s an ugly person who will one day be “ALONE”. It took eight years to have this pic posted on his fb profile when I told him where he could go. He loves to play headgames Im done with it all. Offically end of my toleratimg his evil disgusting ways causing me pain. I don’t like him, or love this jerkoff want to let others know he’s a SNAKE!!!

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