Victoria “Tori” Clark — Crossville, Tennessee

I grew up around this girl. We both moved to other parts of our country that and lost touch. I reconnected with her on my year anniversary(October 2015)!! She was extremely supportive of me an my fiancee getting married, knew we had a small child(3mths old at time) and knew about mine and his problems! Well November 20, 2015 she an i agreed that she can come over for the night. Well she and my fiancee got drunk while I had two shots that night. I was so exhausted from that day so I wound up falling asleep early. I wake up to giggles an her saying “let’s do it”. I instantly got up and sent her home an made his *** go to bed with me.. Well the next day she texted that she was sorry!! She made out with my man, an even tried to get hi. To let her give him a ******* but she didn’t have the decency to tell me about it. Up until this day, she won’t back off even after he tells her to leave him alone! I know he’s to blame to but I’ve forgiven him an we are doing good. She texts him every day with random messages stating she’s sexier than me, that she can love him better, that she misses the warmth of his mouth, blah blah.. I’m sick of it an putting her on blast!! She has two kids of her own that she doesn’t have custody of because she’s to lazy to tend to them and shes in a relationship of her own!

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