Victoria Gile — Ohio

She not only has a fiance but two kids of her own. Shes the fiance to my EX best friend. She invited herself into his inbox saying, “were not friends like you and (her fiance) but I’m here if you need to talk” ….10 minutes later “I wanna show you my ****” *sends picture* some friend right. They’ve known each other since high school. She played him, she blames her manic bipolar on her choosing to try and *** her fiances best friend! Not only did she send every picture and video known to man. But she had the nerve to call him back to *grab what he forgot* yet instead GRABBED HIS **** AND THREW HER TONGUE DOWN HIS THROAT. If that’s not a sloot/***** I dunno what is. The sickest part is, shes so twisted shes convinced her poor fiance that she doesnt have control and needs her fiance. What a toxic **** hole to be stuck in. Her fiance believes that her cheating is NORMALCY in their home. She didnt just touch him once but a few times more (ex didnt say no til later, stupid.) She even KEPT sending him sext and photos after saying “I cant” but there she goes.. at it again and PROUD. Oh she also said she only sent 12 pictures and 2 videos through the whole affair. How mental is this chick? no one can have an affair and only send 12. GET ON YOUR MEDS. She wants to be a teacher or something one day? Well maybe you shouldnt have sent nudes out randomly without thinking of the consequences. She messed up her life and in the process damaged someone else’s home. She brought someone down to feel just as sh1tty about themself as she feels for her self. If you like them ******, this is a good one!

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