Veronica Miktarian — California

My ex-wife currently residing at a sober house with other Women in San Diego, Ca. with Soledad House. She is an alcoholic/addict, liar, cheater, user, abuser, and gaslighter. I also believe and strongly feel she also suffers from a personality disorder and is evil. While we were married and still living together, she admitted herself to the detox unit in the hospital. At this time she met another male patient and complete stranger that she began an adulterous affair with after being discharged. She would attend A.A. Meetings with him and than have *** with him afterwards. Veronica Miktarian-Justus is originally from Tallmadge, Oh. and resided in Sparta, Tn. before we married. I served her with divorce papers on her 49th birthday while she was a patient in residential rehab. I filed for divorce under grounds of adultery, extreme cruelty, gross neglect of duty, habitual drunkenness, and abandonment. She lived with this male for 40 days after we seperated and destroyed him as he lost his job. She is a complete homewrecker and breaks up families. She destroys everyone that crosses her path. She his completely unstable, unpredictable, toxic, and unhealthy. She starts drama and trouble in everyones life. Steer clear of this demon and if you run across her on Facebook or snap chat, run as far away and as fast as you can.

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