Vanessa McDowell – Alberta, Canada

Stayed in Calgary since she was a dirty young teen. Not long after she became of age, she had to leave the city because she was passed around too much. Cheated as a older teenager and a young adult. Still has one distant female friend in Calgary.

There are multiple instances of emotional and light physical abuse perpetrated by Vanessa. She has been known to call the Police on innocent ex-lovers in an attempt to get them charged for various made-up offenses (physical abuse or threats). Nothing comes from it, besides needing to explain to the officer that she is a liar.

She claims to be Christian. Is a part of the fundamentalist Irvinite cult known as “The Truth”, which can explain her tendency to abuse others and sleep around. Information on the cult can be found here:

Her family lives with her and keeps her on a very close watch as a control technique. But while dating she gets dirty real fast.

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