Vanessa Lynn Campbell — Canada

This girl gets the gold star of dirty! Vanessa is by far the biggest ***** in Medicine Hat. I am recently separated and she’s the first person I slept with since my wife. I contracted drds. DD is easily treated but my doctor said warts can lay hidden and then come out at times of stress, but yes I have cauliflower on my **** now. I accused my ex-wife but she swore it wasn’t her, she got tested and it all cane back negative. Vanessa had me believing she was a sweet little mom who wants a relationship but when I started telling people about it, lots of my buddies said they’ve banged her and their friends have banged her. She’s a discusting excuse for a ‘woman’, guys, if you go near this girl, wear a hazmat suit. Genital warts can lay dormant in you for years while you are spreading it without knowing it. The photo attached is very photoshopped obviously but you’ll know when you see her because she’ll be trying to get on your ****. You’ve been warned.

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