Yeah it takes to to tagle, but when you know that other protein has a partner you show yourself some respect rather than thinking that by getting pregnant it was all going to change. How nice to have your mother and your sister who was pregnant from someone else that was not her partner ot the time shows what you’ll are. To the point that in the most ghetto way her mother came to my house to make a scene and foul of her self. You should of told my husband you were pregnant a little sooner not months after, good job you named him after him so why the complainers that he doesn’t even bother going to go see, and this old lady the mother of this nasty ***** letting my husband know she’s getting her *** beet by her new man, that’s what whores get. Who cares if she gets hurt she didn’t care for who got hurt in her moment as she told me ” he denied you he said he was leaving you” they all say the same story. When Karma gets you good you will regret to have been ****** by my husband and then he just left you, and he left you cause you were ” nothing” and about the kid good job but no sweetie that’s not how you keep them.