Valerie White — Syracuse, Indiana

This is Valerie White or Gorby as she sometimes goes by. Her and my husband went to school together and hooked back up on Facebook. She came into town to visit family and they met for a drink. After that they were cheating every day and then she started calling him. We had been married for almost 15 years and together for 19. My complaints to her and him started when they were just friends. I went out of state to visit my son in August and found out while I was gone he went to Syracuse to see her and spent the night. De she posted hints about it on his Facebook page, but still he tried saying they were only friends. Bullshit! She started texting and calling me with details of their time spent together. When I would respond she erased everything she wrote and her calls and showed my husband only what I wrote and my calls to her. He said I was harassing her and I needed to stop. He wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say or show him. I wound up having a nervous breakdown over all of this and instead of being with me at the hospital he was home on the phone with her all night. I knew then this dirty no good ***** had ruined my marriage. I moved out and we are getting divorced but still she is bothering me. She calls with her number blocked all hours of the day and night and hangs up when I answer. She is still lying and telling my soon to be ex I am calling her. I hope they both burn in **** for all they are putting me through.

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