Valerie Nagle — Benton, Arkansas

Valerie Nagle is a cheating fat ***** who sleeps with married men and then exploits their **** pics on the internet. She tells them how she wants to ride them and *** on them like a mad fat woman. De she then sends harassing magazine offers and signs up for ***** enlargement emails to their phones and the home of the boyfriend and his wife. She is 50 plus years old and acts like she is in high school. She is obsessed with her boyfriend’s wife.

5 thoughts on “Valerie Nagle — Benton, Arkansas

  1. How’s the email affair??? How’s that weight loss surgery? How’s harassing Michael’s wife? Defaming her because you got caught f n her husband. O but his 4 seconds of meh meant something to you cause you love him so much that he left your ugly lumberjack *** in Arkansas.

    1. GET A LIFE, BESSIE jo GIESLER!! You have NO idea what you are even talking about! You make yourself look like and idiot with every post!! Surgery? You’re a complete moron!

      4 seconds is all he’s got! No wonder you cheated with my husband. you ridiculous ****. I’m sorry the whole “Pinterest wedding set” ideas never panned out. Or the move to Iowa or the riding off into the sunset with my husband. – He never wanted you like that. – he was just using you and threw you away immediately – just like the others at Home Depot, Lowe’s, Sams Club, etc… I’m sure you’ve got a few new side dudes in KC area. Isn’t it time ? No one alive gives a F about all your many many slanderous internet posts. No one!! You have no friends and MG is too weak to leave your dumb ***. Leave me Alone! Get a life! Find a new family to screw with. Eat **** and move on with your pathetic life. Holy ****!

      1. O honey you need to find a new boyfriend and a family to wreck. I’m sure your needing sum of his big **** cause yours at home is so small. As you say in your emails need some sap. So his 4 seconds of meh and 5 years of ******** and all the I Love Yous we’re so meaning full as he was still emailing OKC over those 5 years up until the day you face booked her and ****** Michael off cause now the truth came out and he got busted for cheating on you with her still and his family. You deserve all bad karma. You helped turn his kids against him for his wreckless, narcissistic behaviors. So go f yourself and your boyfriend you took to Cancun and all the other Male vendors at HD enjoy f n them I. The parking lots and hotels and leaving *** stains and hair and **** stains in their trucks. Your 🤢. And o yes Michael is mortified about the **** pics since the day I sent to his wife.

  2. Valerie Nagle is a donut eating fat slots that’s no good for anything! She is a slandering *****. Her affair with a married man for over the last 5 years is beyond low. But her boyfriend wasn’t just talking and f m her. He was talking and f n her old girlfriend too! So all three deserve bad karma.

  3. Well ladies, seems like to me you both need to move on. This Michael guy sounds like a piece of work. If he is cheating on you both and sounds like there was a couple more women you all better go get checked because you are all not having safe ***. This Michael guy has a problem with commitment, and any good honest man would not be putting any woman through this it be having multiple affairs on his girlfriends and his wife and family. Shame on all of you if there are kids involved young or old. You all need to take a look in the mirror and decide what is most important. My spouse and kids or your fantasy land with fake I love you’s and the meaningless *** and honestly if this guy is 4 mins of meh, why waste your time. I have read both of your bio’s and you both have your priorities messed up. Obviously neither one of you have no self esteem if you are messing with a married men. Grow up and move on with your lives. Your children pay. Your messing them up and you both posting trash like this about each other – neither one of you are a good person. If your still emailing or in communication- your f n stupid. Michael sounds like he loves no one but himself. You ladies are dumb as F for even messing with this dude.

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