Tyler W Sylvester — Anchorage, Alaska

This douche will try to act innocent and shy at first, but he is FAKE! Makes you trust him and pretend to be a reliable and trustworthy friend. He’ll be kind to your kids, and say he wants to provide for you AND them. Make THEM trust him too. You’ll ONLY BE WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME AND YOUR CHILDREN’S TIME TOO! He’ll make you believe he’s a good guy but he is A SNAKE IN DISGUISE!!! Immature and SPITEFUL!! I didn’t want to be with him. De he sent an email to my previous employer that got me fired over a bs lie he made up; which led me to be homeless with two kids. He threatened to call OCS with FALSE information and laughs while admitting it. Now that I have a new and better job, he threatens that as well! He’s made 6 fake numbers to contact me after being blocked to talk **** and ask for gifts back! For example, a beanie hat he bought me from Moose’s Tooth. Petty and immature as ****. Who would do that? Oh I know, Tyler W Sylvester! ***. And yes, I’ve read the policy for this site, ITS ALL TRUE STATEMENTS SO FCK HIM! Don’t settle ✌️

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