Tyler Keats — Alberta, Canada

This loser boy because he’s not a man will literally ruin your life and make you miserable every single day of your life while you date him. He’s a shady POS that hides his notifications on his phone so he can ca his fat whale of an ex Danika behind your back while you’re at home PREGNANT with his baby. That’s right he sunk as low to call her while I was pregnant at home. He sent her money behind my back. I also know how that there is many other woman I didn’t even know about! He is a scvmbag lying snake like his father that cheats in his wife. His wife is a real TREAT too but this post is about TYLER KEATS. The LYING CHEATING SHADY LOSER OF SPRUCE GROVE LADIES. I am so glad I didn’t have a baby with this GOOF. I just can’t imagine my life stuck with him and his **** family. See ya Tyler! 😉

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