Troy Sugg — Hamilton, Canada

this is Troy Sugg the **** pic sender he had been hooked on popcorn and meth since 2018 and he’s been a bad person since if this guy asks his friend to hook him money and they do he doesn’t pay back and he likes to rip u off and screw u over for money so don’t waste your time being friends with him and if people explain to him they don’t have any money left he throws a hissy fit about it and then and he likes to hang out with tryna jaggard the 2 faces trash talker lying 2 faced Pepsi head and **** disturbing manipulator son Brodie jaggard the thieving lowlife and Kendahl lusted the bad girlfriend and he used to hang out with joe Pimentel the 45-year-old children life destroyer and Children best friend and his ex-girlfriend Skylar Arsenault the bad mother and mean girl De They got him into drugs and now this guy is a joke ever since he was hooked on these drugs I Cayuga Ontario.

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