Tribe Baldwin — Fairbanks, Arkansas

Tribe Baldwin aka Christina D. Baldwin would like you to believe she’s the epitome of a loving and faithful army wife. That she is a paragon of virtue while her husband is deployed and she’s taking care of their six children. Instead, she enjoys lying to him while she sets up alternative email accounts and adds men to Snapchat (sally_thecamel/Chrissy B) and exchanges naked pics with them. Other than being in the army, poor Christina’s life has been filled with having children, moving wherever her husband is stationed, and pining over a lost love. Actually naming her last three children with names that spell out her long lost love’s name. Also naming a daughter the same name as his wife’s. When confronted by her husband she quickly set up alternative ways to stay in touch with her true love. When his wife found out years later, she denied it to her husband and wanted to continue the relatio ship with her love, despite the possibility of losing everything she had with her husband and children. Including military benefits as the military doesn’t tolerate infidelity. Little did she know that she was just a number on a long list of women he’d done the same thing with and said the same stuff to. Now, Christina lives out her days in bumfu*k Ft. Wainwright trying to convince her husband she really loves him despite the emails & snapchats to her lover that say different.

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