Trevor Ryan Laycock — Calgary, Canada

You’ll find him on bumble and tinder he’s a great man, or so it seems. He’ll trick you into thinking he feels something for you through ***. He is a very passionate lover but don’t be fooled. I was with him for two years his brat he used to call me. It was just *** but I fell so hard I love with him. Over quarantine I told him to find someone else because I couldn’t do it, I could have *** with him knowing he didn’t feel anything for me. We had the most *** of our time together during quarantine when he found this new woman with the black Jeep that parks in the drive where I used to park. I don’t know who you are but I feel so bad for you, you won’t know until it’s tears rolling down your cheeks. I told him to go be with someone else but what I didn’t know is that day June 13th the day after I caught him with you and knocked on his front door while you were there. June 13 was the last time we had *** but I got pregnant. I told him and over this past weekend he told me he didn’t care I was pregnant and that he’d still have *** with me and that he was maybe single again and he suggested we have ***. I didn’t and I followed through with a late term abortion on Tuesday after he told me about your reconciliation on Monday. It’s all games, he seems sweet and quiet at times I thought he had mental issues but I was very drawn to him. His smile, his patience. I thought he loved me, he put up with a lot of my crazy **** and he still always wanted to see me. It’s over and all I can do is prey he changes. If there’s you there’s another and another and another. He has several woman all over, here in Calgary, in Manitoba and also Arizona and Mexico. He travels to these places every year like clockwork. Save all the pictures he sends you In time you’ll notice the pictures are the same ones from before. It’s all lies. All of it. Be careful protect yourself. He plays dum and ignorant but he is just a player. I loved him, I did and wanted to marry him. I don’t think he ever had intended on a relationship with anyone.

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