First of all I’m the girl him and his fat slug of a town ***** “Harper” posted about…and I am not a liar or scammer. This joker of a pos, tried shoving money at me…to get me to date him while refusing no…and kept pushing.. it’s not wrong of him to offer to help me when I was struggling..bit he was using it to gain power and I wouldn’t let him. Anything he insisted on giving me was I tended. I right from the very beginning stated we were strictly friends… My cell crapped out on me. And he offered…I said no. He insisted. I said ok.. months later…he invites me to chill for the first time in months…to go to the craft fair… Odd..most men don’t go to those things willingly but I’m. We hadn’t hung out for a while.. next thing I know, I turn a corner and here’s his ex of 3 years, working her table…and I was floored. That sack of **** used me to harrass and stalk her. And hurt her!!! After that it was friends off. Jodie lemal and her neices all told me about how much of a freak and liar he is….so I knew I was never going to date him, but he’d never don’t any harm to me so why would I be a ****? I had that phone 2 years!! Once phones on its last cpl payments… the pos starts freaking out about being a week late on it, (I hadn’t been payed yet) I told him just to fkn disconnect it then if it’s an issue I’ll deal with it…so he does..then lists it stolen so I just payed 900+ for a fukin expensive paperweight.. who stole from who *****? From where I stand we are even Steven. You wanted to play ****. So you got **** back. 1 you don’t use me to hurt another woman and or stalk an ex you’ve had, come to find out, RCMP CALLED ON FOR, NUMEROUS TIMES due to stalking and slanderous **** like this. 2 Your incomplete story and lies that you and your trainwreck of a town pump put up about me, was seen by my 13 yr old daughter, while at school. She googled my name because she wanted to see a pic of her mom… because YES..2 OF MY KIDS ARE AT THEIR DADS in Sask. Not because I am inept in anyway… but I have my children the choice to escape this fuking dive of a town..they’ll be back in June. 3 I do not collect any gov ****? Wtf are you talking about even?? Childtax?? Lmao? How do you know what the *** I get or don’t for what child? It’s so funny. You can tell what kind of class acts you surround yourself with Trevor Roberts by the typical mantra you spew…only, you no necked sonofab1tch, I actually do have an education…and not a sister mother…you in-bredded ***. I have also posted the texts where he denies this whole thing and states it’s all lies. Fuking fill your boots and read ppl. Oh also, Jodie also mentioned he has drds…bahahah better go get checked Harper..but I dunno..u look like a match in hero heaven…..gross!!!

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