Trenton Wieties — Illinois

Trenton Wieties is a Liar and Married Cheater that will use you for *** one time and then vanish. He uses a fake name in my case John White, but other reported him using name Shane, John, etc. He uses stories of his kids to relate to you, he uses Military as a way to make himself sound chivalrous. He tells stories of heartbreak saying he caught his ex wife sleeping around and left her. He will have unprotected *** with you then cut off phone number and any online acct you were communicating with. He is married to a Sarah Wieties and trashes her the entire time but only uses her first name. From what I found online about Trent he has a STD. I am being tested and pray he didn’t give me something. Look online he is all over – once you know his real name and search it you will see. Stay away from him he is a dirty married liar that only wants *** and it is clear he will never stop using any woman he can find for a one time hook up behind Sarah’s back.

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