Trenton Wieties — Collinsville, Illinois

Trenton Wieties, whom also goes by Trent Wieties lives in Collinsville, Illinois and is a cheater and a Liar. He has cheated on his wife so many times he can’t even keep count. He pretends to be single and uses phone apps to contact women. He says he purposely looks for married woman with kids as he brags they are less likely to make a scene when he is done with them and ready to get rid of them. He asks all kinds of questions to get to know you and makes you feel like he cares but really he focuses on anything negative about you and your spouse’s current relationship to soften you for an affair and convince you he can make you happy and you deserve more.

He has a practiced routine he uses on all of the victims he finds online. He uses the fact that he is a prison guard and in the military to attempt to gain your trust. When you try to research him there isn’t much because he lies saying he cant have social media because the military wont let. He will say anything to sleep with you. Pretends he loves you and says he will move to live by you. Once he has an affair then he tells you he is really married – he then tells you his wife sarah wieties is so used to him cheating she is numb to it all and doesn’t care anymore. He brags after he is done with you, how he has girls he has been with in so many states which he travels to on weekends using the military as his cover story to his wife, but really just to have one night stands. He brags his wife doesn’t know about most and has only caught him a few times. He brags she will never leave him anyway because she doesn’t work and he supports her. He brags about how he even had affairs while she was pregnant and while she was actually about to have one of his babies. This guy purposely looks for married woman with children to do what he wants and have little recourse. He brags about using all kinds of different apps to start most chats with girls – he then convinces you to use snap chat to hide all things he will say. Even once you realize he has lied and screwed with you and demand him to leave you alone, he doesn’t. he uses fake face book profiles to continue contacting you and even calls your work. This guy is a stalker after the fact. This guy will give someone a disease in the future and can’t be trusted. He brags about his conquest to get off after he has ruined your life and tries to ruin your marriage. Stay away and keep all females away he has no reserves about family, age, kids, or anything else. All he cares about is *** and telling you all his lies once he is done with you, to get off on himself. He tells you there is nothing you can do because if you do raise the issue the odds are it will ruin your marriage and hurt your family more. He enjoys humiliating you and telling you how many times he has done this after he is through with you. Stay AWAY at all cost and don’t get caught in this scam and manipulation as many others have. Look out for him as he will only bring misery to your life. Don’t tell him anything as he will use it all against you later. Run Sarah Wieties. you deserve better.

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