Traviss Wilson — Kelowna, Canada

Hey DE! So I met thus guy at one of the bars in Kelowna, came off as a total sweetheart was buying my drinks throughout the night telling me how good I looked, so I decide to take him back to my place. As soon as we get in the cab his phone is going off. Must have been all night, I couldn’t hear it over the loud music, so he puts his phone on silent and we take the cab back to my place. When we get there everything was fine we were having a good time, talking, getting to know each other. Then he pulled out his phone I glanced over and he’s got 10 missed called and a bunch of texts from what looks to be his girlfriend! “Babe” in his phone. This fuking loser was cheating on his girlfriend who was at home alone waiting for him! Traviss Wilson is the biggest scvm on the face of this earth, he sleeps with multiple women while he has a girlfriend. Have fun with this catch! He seems sweet but he’s a fuking cheating little *****.

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