Travis John Weidman — Wauconda, Illinois

A family member of mine, wasted four years with this lying *******. He emotionally and mentally abused her. First off he refuses to work. Makes excuses why he won’t work. Oh wait its because he let’s daddy take care of him. This psychopath is twenty eight years old and still let’s daddy pay for everything. He hid his dirty habit from his ex very well for awhile. He is an heroin addict. He stoled everything from her. Her jewelry, purses, dvds…everything. Once she left him she did try to get justice from what he did to her, He threatened and blackmailed her. She even tried to reach out to his family for help of what he is doing to her. They refused to help. His family is nothing but Trash just like him. Nothing but scum. He was in the chicago tribune news because he stoled from a library to sell games at GameStop. Only a drug addict will steal from a library. Once caught, police found needles. He used his friends name to sell the games instead of his own! Also after she left him, he had this nasty scoobydoo looking girl come over to do heroin. She had her one year old son there!! Now is out of state on the run because he has warrants. Smart. He is very manipulative, he lies to every one and anyone to get his way. He did everything he could to use, abuse, and control my cousin. That is not even half what he has done! He is nothing but a heroin addict trash. We all hope you die a slow and painful death you lying filthy scum. Beware of this Heroin addict lying thief.

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