TravelUp — Delay in Flight Bookings

1. In April 2022, I booked AA flights worth £4271 with in April 2022. Due to documentation issues, I was unable to travel
2. TravelUp said that tickets are not cancellable
3. I contacted AA directly and they said, TravelUp is bluffing, TravelUp can give a Voucher for these Tickets
4. They gave me a voucher but strange enough that was for £3900 only and not for the full amount
5. They did not even give me any Voucher numbers. Looks like all Vouchers are with a person named Colin who went on leave
6. I requested TravelUp to re-book the tickets in October 2022, but no response on e-mails
7. I called them and after a wait of 30 minutes, they told me I have to shell extra £1200
8. I asked AA, and they said no, the ticket is £1159, whereas TravelUp said in their system they see for £1600
9. I missed the ticket
10. Again called them thrice and spent jointly 3 hours on hold
11. Was disconnected after that
12. Was promised they will call me back, never did
13. Now I am chasing for the Tickets again

Compensate me for excess Ticket Price that i will pay now

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