Trader Joes — Rude behavior towards a customer

I was at TJs today between 11am and 1130 am. I saw a man with obvious mental health issues (unusual clothes and walking differently, etc.) .He purchased a candy bar and while in the process of doing so, the employees laughed and made fun of him. He then proceeded to drop a mirror he was carrying in his totebag and the employees let it be known how annoyed they were with him. I shop at this TJs at least once a week and have never seen him before though they acted like they all knew him. All people deserve to NOT be derided at a store and I was disappointed in the rude and condescending treatment I and others witnessed. I trust TJs has a policy of educating its employees on kindness in the work place. The employees appeared to be in the 20to 35 age range, so maybe they have not been taught what is appropriate behavior. My visit was a truly disappointing one and others observed the incident as well.

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