Tracy Eby – Idaho

Daughter of my best friend, I met her while she was pregnant. I let her live with me, got her off drugs, did everything I could for her. Not once, but twice, her family lived with me over the years FOR FREE (her, her husband, and their 2 children). Her 2 girls lived in my house while both parents were in jail for over a year so that they wouldn’t go into foster care. I’ve stuck up for her to everyone who had **** to say about her. De I helped her every time she asked and did it for no other reason than to help her realize that she, and her babies, deserved better… Then she fuked my boyfriend. When I asked her about it, SHE MADE ME FEEL BAD FOR THINKING SHE WOULD LET A MAN COME BETWEEN OUR FRIENDSHIP. When she finally admitted it, she claimed it was all MY FAULT. Selfish, self-entitled, heartless, sociopathic *****.

1 thought on “Tracy Eby – Idaho

  1. Yes tracy eby is something special she wills crew just about anybody anytime anywhere. It is very sad 2 know that there are people out there with no morals no self respect no respect for others. She is the lowest of lows. Might say she is like a gutter rat.

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