Tracey Turk – Winnipeg, Canada

This girl walks around like she’s mature but for a 46 year old she bounces house to house bed to bed smoking crack with her old fat crack dealers suking **** making trades for a hit of crack. De she has a std to std her ****** is loose and constant leaking bright yellow fluid and smells worst than a fish tank. She’s a crook and will steal from anyone and pawn it at a shop for extra cash. Does nothing cept making Snapchat videos chasing every boy out there passing her std around like a game of catch if anyone sees this girl please watch out from her unless you want to obtain the std to std . This girl is a walking std so please turn the other way or tell her go seek help she is mental with many conditions and has a Mental Case Worker always leaving her ex husband’s telling them she’s going to work but all in all going to Kens and her crack dealers to make *** trades and bed to sleep.

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