Tosh Campbell — Daytona Beach, Florida

This is Tosh Campbell aka HATAWA BONH as on FB. She prefers to hook up with men who are taken. She sends half naked pics to lure men in. My ex is a scvmbag for responding but she clearly knew about me. She then gets attitude with me when confronted. She used to be a CO at Volusia County jail but now works as a domestic violence counselor for women. How can she council women when she contributes to the demise or the cause of relationships going wrong. She’s FAKe, fake weave, eyelashes etc… trying to say she’s half white. She’s nasty… the texts she sends are very specific on what she does to men. Ladies in Daytona Beach, beware of her around your man… she has no morals or values when it comes to laying down and spreading her legs… it took 3 sentences before she wanted to hook up. She’s looking for a meal ticket..struggles financially and needs a man to support her. She is not a friend to anyone. Hopefully Karma will take a turn with her for all the disgusting things she says n does to sleep with men who are taken.

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