This man is a compulsive lier, cheater and solicits online prostitutes for *** acts. He will serial date multiple women that he meets on dating sites. Do not believe one word that comes out of his mouth about the past, present or future. If you notice his facebook account was created in 2016 and the only friends are co-workers no family. He has been a surgical tech at Mercy Hospital in Fairfield & Kettering Medical Center in Dayton, OH recently he became a traveling surgical tech and went to Portland, Maine for 13 weeks (Dec 2017). He owns a house in Price Hill he owns a Leaf, an Edge & a Harley Davidson and when he is out riding it he wears a black predator motorcycle helmet. He is lactose intolerant & may suffer from bi-polar disorder or borderline personality disorder. Whatever he has it is not an excuse to get by with treating women this way.

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