Tonia Wolfe — Atlanta, Georgia

This middle-aged, semi balding woman, Tonia Wolfe enjoys sleeping with married men and verbalizes that she thoroughly enjoys it. She is merely capable of being a waitress at bars and numerous taverns, such as Creatwood Tavern, where she consistently, “secretly” gives her phone number to married men! She may come across as a confident northern woman in a new place looking for “a friend”.. but do not be fooled….. This “Yankee girl” justifies everything she does and then blames her actions on the husbands that she sleeps with! She knowingly and willingly sleeps with married men… with their precious innocent families close by.. even if she is sober….which is very rare. She brags about not getting “drug tested” for marijuana at her workplace. Be on the lookout for this woman, who pretends to be a loving, “plain ol’ country, good cooking’, dog lover”. She will have *** with ANYONE, anywhere, at any time… as long as it will benefit her self esteem and her deep insecurities of constant rejection with her high, “chivalrous expectations”. Beware ladies of such a manipulative, devious, low-class woman with no limits whatsoever. She prides herself on “cooking healthy, being “fit”, and bouncing on any man’s d*** that she can get. She drinks like a fish to bury her guilt.. but has hurt so many families and continues to do so. She cannot even go one week without getting drunk and fixating on what new man she can capture, no limits.

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