Toni Jones — Dayton, Ohio

This female knew me and my SO of 12 years were married. He has my name on his neck big as day, I have he and those names have been on our necks for years. Mine SO played chess with her on and off again drug-dealing boyfriend at the hub. She knew of me and that we lived together etc, this tramp even made my Rueben sandwiches for me in which I complained about the orange sauce as I do not like it. Anyway, she proceeded to chase my husband and he, in turn, played it out (trust he got him) she gave him head in the Subway restroom while on the clock, smoked crack (yes crack they both did-he claimed he fell into a trap one day-um yeah right). All the while he was coming home to me every day, making love (or rather f**king to be blunt) to me then off to her where she would kiss my juices off his face, regardless she knew he was married that did not stop either one of them.

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