Tommy Cataldi – St Petersburg, Florida

I was with this lowlife for 25 years, during the entire relationship he lied and cheated, we have three children together and he first cheated the night before I had our first child. He will tell everyone that the women in his life have cheated on him constantly, including me, which is a lie he started it, and I became tired of the bullcrap and began getting even. He’s also had a relationship with another woman for 13 years and knocked her up 3 years ago then turned his back on everyone of his 6 kids total (he had 2 before he was with me). That poor kid he was seeing him up until last month when he left me with several bills and rent behind, shut the only lines of communication down with this child who again is only 3 years old. He’s a deadbeat father and all around P.O.S who made another woman leave her 3 year old with a so called daddy in another country and she cut that child off completely. Her entry is being submitted as well. This loser will always play the victim so beware!

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