Todd Mathisen — Grand Prairie, Canada

De, this guy is the scum of the earth, He is a pathological liar and junkie. He acts like the nicest guy to get people to trust him and then he burns them (figuratively & literally) .

Todd met my brother on Tinder and they started hanging out as friends and than it escalated into a relationship. They were together off and on for 16 months. My brother and I have never done hard drugs or been around people that did them, or that is at least what we thought until todd was staying overnight at me and my brothers place. He kept locking himself in the bathroom with the shower on. After 4 so called showers in one night we got suspicious, so i broke in the bathroom only to find him on the floor half naked passed out on the floor with a needle in his arm. I screamed at the top off my lungs and then he woke up.

My bro was crushed so he was about to dial 911 and of course Todd talked him out of it. I was so mad at my bro so I left for a few days. In this time I did some research and talked to some of our mutual friends about it.

From what I was learning, I was very worried that my brother could have got something from him and I made him get tests done- and, of course, it was not a good outcome.

Since then my bro and I have not seen or been in touch. So if anything good came from this it is we learned a lot. I just hope he cant do it again to someone else.

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