Toby Sernel — Little Rock, Arkansas

Toby Sernel of Little Rock Arkansas is a SERIAL cheater. Air Force Retired Lieutenant Colonel C-130 Pilot now teaches new military pilots as an instructor at the Air Force Base in Little Rock for a Civilian Contractor. He has, (had) a wife and a teenage daughter. He has carried on two affairs, simultaneously, in the last two years. He’s admitted to numerous sexual exploits with his female students as well. He will drain any female’s bank account and has a special taste for strawberry blondes or redheads. The most sickening thing, he is a Vestry Board Member at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Little Rock. He uses his “I’m a man of *** and Honorable,” to really suck in good women. He won’t tell you he isn’t capable of being monogamous until you confront him. Then he says he’s in a horrible marriage, doesn’t know how to break up with other girls, etc….

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