Tirzah Morelle, Ottawa – Canada

Hey guys this girl Tirzah is a full on meth addict I know because we used to smoke meth together but I got my life together and she’s still low key addicted I’m not sure if you guys know this but she’s dating a man older than her father probably only because he full on supports her drug habits and he’s in a pedofile heaven as he’s dating someone who’s just got their period. She posts horrible half naked photos on her Instagram accounts and has a patron so people can pay to see her nuddies. PSA EVERYONE YOURE JUST FEEDING HER DRUG HABBIT. She actually asked me last month if I wanted to give fentanyl a try. Fuking wild. And aside from that everytime she’s high she bleaches her hair she almost has no hair left so she’s resorted to wigs. I’ll attach a picture of her real hair it’s horrible. She’s had 6 abortions and she’s not even into her adult life yet it’s completely horrible. She just had 1 last month and it got infected because she decided not to listen to the doctor and went and had *** before she was healed. Sad though I’m glad she saved those baby’s from a terrible life. Anyways this girl is in serious need of mental help and I’d stay away if I where you. If you want a meth buddy she’s your girl.

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