Tina Spagnolo — Des Moines, Iowa

First of all, BEWARE: this crazy psycho Tina Spagnolo is a stalker and a hacker. If you look at or acknowledge her in ANY way she becomes obsessed. You have to ask her permission to go anywhere, and if you talk to other girls she thinks your cheating on her even tho your not dating her. She tries taking married men or men who have girlfriends by causing problems, such as hacking into the mans accounts that she’s obsessed with to mess with things. She also likes to give sob stories to earn her way into your home and never leave. She will go through your phone and message anyone she doesn’t think you need to be talking to and goes psycho on them for no reason. She also shares pictures of children that aren’t even her children. Be sure to be on the lookout for this one, but remember don’t stare too long!

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