Tina Marie Yurgealitis — Dundalk, Maryland

Her name is Tina Yurgealitis, lives in Dundalk, MD. She’s been married 3 times. Previous names are Tina Sutton, Tina Cripps, Tina Yurgealitis. You can see her criminal history on the Maryland Case History Search page here: casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/ De she has had numerous peace orders and domestic violence orders filed against her by her latest ex-husband as well as neighbors on St Gregory Drive. In Maryland, these are “restraining orders”. You can also check her history of physical abuse on the Pennsylvania State Court website here: https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/DocketSheets/MDJ.aspx search for Magisterial Court Dockets in York County under her name Tina Yurgealitis She has multiple cases for harassment in PA and MD. Harassment in PA is for physical abuse / unwanted touching of another person. One of those cases in PA, where she was found guilty, was for punching her daughter. The daughter was not charged, only Tina was. She is voitale and physically / verbally / emotionally abusive. In 2013 she petitioned the Circuit Cort in Baltimore County, MD for custody of her father and his assets. In 2018 the court removed her as the custodian due to financial malfeasance. She is currently living at her father’s home 7818 St. Gregory Dr., Dundalk, MD 21222. Her father’s new court-appointed guardian (the one the court-appointed after legally removing her from that position) is petitioning the court to sell that property and she will likely be looking for a sugar daddy to move in with. She’s ALL about the $ gents. This can be seen on the Maryland case search website. Her POF profile states she is 55. She is 57 and was born in January 1961. It also states she has a Bachelors’s degree. She is a middle school dropout from Stricker Middle School in Dundalk, MD. The profile also states she is in healthcare management. She is unemployed after being fired from her job as a dental assistant in 2013. De she was employed by Endodontic Specialists, 27 West Rd. Towson, MD 21204 (410) 321-1266. She was fired for “unreliability over a period of one year”. Tina is currently on Social Security disability for “fibromyalgia”. She hasn’t worked for over 5 years. Since being divorced from her 3rd husband she has no health insurance and has no other income. Google her. There’s more than I can fit in here. She is manipulative and will say anything in order to get what is best for HER….not you as a couple. I dated her for over two years and was “engaged”. It was

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